Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts submitted to BULLETIN (N.S.) must be original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors can submit their work directly through the Submission Page, where they may also select their preferred editor.
For submissions to special issues, please use the link provided in your invitation letter or contact us at for assistance.
Detailed guidelines for manuscript preparation are provided below.
Required Items
Papers must be written in English. A brief abstract of about 200 words or less must be included. It should be self-contained and should not make any reference to the bibliography. A short list of AMS subject classification numbers and key words is also required. Important references that are unpublished or difficult to access should be included with the submission.
Manuscript Preparation
Authors are encouraged to use the LaTeX templates provided on this website and modify the standard template to suit their own needs. Please click on Latex Template for accessing the Latex templates. If a paper is accepted, we will ask the authors to submit all source material by email to the Bulletin office.
Manuscript Layout
1. Submissions, including references, should be typed and double-spaced. If a word-processor is used, the typesetting should not be smaller than 12 characters per inch (25mm). The margins should be at least 1.0 inch (25mm) on all four sides. Pages should be numbered consecutively. All copies of the manuscript must be legible.
2. Paper should start with a short abstract followed by a list of AMS subject classification numbers and key words and phrases in alphabetical order. Avoid inclusion of formulas in the abstract.
3. List the work and email addresses of each author, and the phone and fax numbers of the corresponding author.
4. Double-check all names, dates, titles, and quotations for accuracy.
5. References in the text should follow the current style in BULLETIN (New Series). Bibliographical references should be complete, including article titles and page ranges. All references in the bibliography should be cited in the text. The use of BibTeX is preferred but not required.
6. Notes should be numbered consecutively. Authors are requested to make sure that all notes correspond with the number in the text.
7. Acknowledgement should appear at the end of the paper and be as brief as possible. Essential derivations should appear in a separate appendix, which follows the acknowledgements but precedes the references. Each appendix should have a separate title. Additional lengthy derivations can be submitted in a separate Portable Document Format (PDF) file as a web-based appendix.
Figures must be of publication quality. After acceptance, authors will need to submit the original source files in vector graphics format for all diagrams in your manuscript: vector EPS or vector PDF files are the most useful. Make sure that what you are saving is a vector graphics file and not a bitmap file. We encourage you to bundle your figure files into a single archive (using zip, tar, rar, or other format of your choice).
Each figure should be captioned and numbered so that it can float. Small figures occupying no more than three lines of vertical space can be kept in the text (“the curve looks like this:”).
Copyright agreement
Authors of papers that have been accepted for publication will be asked to sign a copyright agreement.
Page proofs will be made available to authors (or to the designated corresponding author) in PDF format. If requested by the author, a paper copy of the proof can be sent.
Full-Text Access
PDF version of the published paper will be e-mailed to author(s). Author(s) of an accepted paper can have the electronic version of the paper available free of charge on the Bulletin website. For this, the author(s) need to inform the editorial office before the publication of the paper.