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Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Central charges for GLSM quasimaps in cohomology and K-theory.

  • Date : 2023/02/21 (Tue.) 10:00~12:00
  • Location : Auditorium, 6 Floor, Institute of Mathematics (NTU Campus)
  • Speaker : Konstantin Aleshkin (Columbia University)

Abstract : GLSM are curve counting theories of critical loci of regular functions on GIT quotients. Quasimap moduli spaces are certain compactifications of the usual moduli spaces of maps which produce invariants that have simple relation to the mirror side. In the talk I plan to explain constructions of generating series of quasimap invariants for GLSM - central charges. They depend on the choice of a "brane": a matrix factorization on the cohomology side or an elliptic cohomology class on the K-theoretic side. Then I plan to tell how to use central charges to relate quasimap invariants for different GLSM.
