Probability and Related Fields Seminar
A Tale of Two Legacies
2024/03/19 (Tue.) 15:30~16:30
- Date : 2024/03/19 (Tue.) 15:30~16:30
- Location : Auditorium, 6 Floor, Institute of Mathematics (NTU Campus)
Speaker : Narn-Rueih Shieh (National Taiwan University)
- Organizer : Ching Wei Ho (AS)
- Abstract : In this talk, we report a quite unexpected connection of two legendary topics, Normal Numbers (Emile Borel, 1909) and Brownian Motions (Albert Einstein, 1905; Norbert Wiener 1929, and Paul Levy 1930’s). The “bridge” of the connection is Hermann Weyl's pioneering exponential sum work (1919) and its later investigations by various authors. The talk is based on the speaker's article appeared in Mathematical Research Reports, vol. 2, 2021. The article is a memory of the late Professor Samuel James Taylor, and the math techniques are cited from a famous 1985 book “Some Random Series of Functions” by the late Professor Jean-Pierre Kahane.