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Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Tropical twisted Hurwitz numbers

  • 日期 : 2024/04/18 (Thu.) 15:30~17:30
  • 地點 : online
  • 主講人 : Hannah Markwig (EKU Tübingen)
  • 籌辦人 : Arkadij Bojko's Email: abojko (at) gate (dot) sinica (dot) edu (dot) tw
  • 網站 : https://wiki.preschema.com/ag-seminar
  • 演講摘要 : Hurwitz numbers count covers of Riemann surfaces with fixed ramification data. Via monodromy representation, this can be translated into a count of certain tuples of elements of the symmetric group. This translation, resp. degeneration, allows to express Hurwitz numbers in terms of tropical covers, which offers the opportunity to study structural properties. Recently, variants of Hurwitz numbers have been introduced, which can partially also be expressed in terms of the symmetric group. Among those are twisted Hurwitz numbers, for which we define and study tropical analogues. This is joint work with Marvin Anas Hahn.