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Seminar in Representation Theory

Learning Seminar on MacDonald Polynomials: Symmetric Functions I

  • Date : 2024/06/26 (Wed.) 13:30~15:00
  • Location : Seminar Room 638, Institute of Mathematics (NTU Campus)
  • Speaker : Wille Liu (Academia Sinica)
  • Host(s) : Chun-Ju Lai (Academia Sinica)
  • Abstract : In this first two talks of the learning seminar, we will review basics of the theory of symmetric functions. More specifically, we will introduce various families of symmetric functions, the plethystic operations and the relation with representations of symmetric groups. We will talk about deformations of symmetric functions, such as Hall–Littlewood polynomials. The goal is to introduce the Macdonald polynomials and the positivity conjecture.