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《Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica New Series》 Volume 19 No.1 is now available

The latest issue of《Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica New Series》has been published.


The contents of Bulletin (N.S.) Volume 19 No.1 can be viewed online at Bulletin’s website http://www.math.sinica.edu.tw/bulletin/


For subscription, please contact bulletin@math.sinica.edu.tw



1. George Lusztig, “Half circles on flag manifolds over a semifield”
2. Jawhar Hbil, “Range of the Hessian operator on some weighted m−subharmonic classes”
3. Yueh-Lin Chiang, “Spectral kernels and holomorphic Morse inequalities for sequence of line bundles”
4. George Lusztig, “Precuspidal families and indexing of Weyl group representations”

更多文章可瀏覽:數學集刊網站電子版 https://www.math.sinica.edu.tw/bulletin 有興趣者,亦可利用郵政劃撥訂購紙本期刊。訂閱費用:1年4期(3、6、9、12月出刊),國內訂戶新台幣1500元,國外訂戶美金60元(郵資內含)。劃撥帳號:0100434-8;帳戶名稱:中央研究院數學研究所
