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Khan, Adeel Ahmad

Khan, Adeel Ahmad

Associate Research Fellow

Research Fields: Algebraic Geometry, Cohomology,

Email : adeelkhan@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Extension : 735

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I am interested in cohomological and sheaf-theoretic methods in geometry, these days particularly for moduli spaces and stacks.

  • B. Sc., Mathematics University of Maryland, Baltimore County 2006-2011
  • M. Sc., Mathematics Freie Universität Berlin 2011 - 2013
  • Dr. rer. nat., Mathematics Universität Duisburg-Essen 2013 - 2016

  • Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Universität Regensburg 2016 - 2018
  • Akademischer Rat auf Zeit Universität Regensburg 2018 - 2020
  • Post-doc IHES 2020 - 2021

  • 2023, Academia Sinica Career Development Award
  • 2023, TMS Young Mathematicians Prize
  • 2022, NCTS Young Theoretical Scientist

  • "The cdh-local motivic homotopy category", J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 228 (5 ), 2024
  • "Absolute Poincaré duality in étale cohomology", Forum Math. Sigma, 10 (e99 ), 1-10, 2022-11
  • (with T. Bachmann, C. Ravi, V. Sosnilo) "Categorical Milnor squares and K-theory of algebraic stacks", Selecta Mathematica, 28 (5), 1-72, 2022-09
  • "K-theory and G-theory of derived algebraic stacks", Jpn. J. Math, 17, 1-61, 2022
  • (with E. Elmanto, M. Hoyois, V. Sosnilo, M. Yakerson) "Motivic infinite loop spaces", Camb. J. Math., 9 (2), 431-549, 2021
  • (with D. Rydh) "Virtual Cartier divisors and blow-ups", arXiv:1802.05702, 2021
  • "Virtual fundamental classes of derived stacks I", arXiv:1909.01332, 2021
  • "Virtual excess intersection theory", Ann. K-Theory, 6, 559-570, 2021
  • (with T. Bachmann, E. Elmanto, M. Hoyois, V. Sosnilo, M. Yakerson) "On the infinite loop spaces of algebraic cobordism and the motivic sphere", Épijournal Géom. Algébrique, 5, 0-, 2021
  • (with F. Déglise, J. Fasel, F. Jin) "On the rational motivic homotopy category", J. Éc. Polytech., 8, 533-583, 2021
  • (with F. Deglise, F. Jin) "Fundamental classes in motivic homotopy theory", JEMS, 23 (12), 3935-3993, 2021
  • (with E. Elmanto, M. Hoyois, V. Sosnilo, M. Yakerson) "Framed transfers and motivic fundamental classes", J. Topol., 13 (2), 460-500, 2020
  • "Descent by quasi-smooth blow-ups in algebraic K-theory", Annales Henri Lebesgue, 2020 (3), 1091-1116, 2020
  • (with E. Elmanto) "Perfection in motivic homotopy theory", Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., 2020
  • (with E. Elmanto, M. Hoyois, V. Sosnilo, M. Yakerson) "Modules over the algebraic cobordism spectrum", Forum Math. Pi, 120 (1), 28-38, 2020
  • "The Morel–Voevodsky localization theorem in spectral algebraic geometry", Geometry & Topology, 23 (7), 3647-3685, 2019