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Ho, Ching Wei

Ho, Ching Wei

Assistant Research Fellow

Research Fields: Random matrix theory, Probability theory, Free probability theory,

Email : chwho@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Extension : 634

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My research interests are in random matrix theory, probability theory and free probability theory. I look at the limiting eigenvalue distribution of random matrices. Recently, I study the phenomenon that the limiting eigenvalue distributions of certain random matrices can be canonically deformed into the limiting eigenvalue distribution of another random matrix. I also work on some basic questions of free probability.

  • PhD Mathematics University of California San Diego 2013 - 2018
  • CPhil Mathematics University of California San Diego 2013 - 2015
  • BSc Mathematics The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2009 - 2013

  • Visiting Assistant Professor University of Notre Dame 2021 - 2022
  • Zorn Postdoctoral Fellow Indiana University Bloomington 2018 - 2021

  • (with Brian C. Hall, Ching-Wei Ho Jonas Jalowy, Zakhar Kabluchko) "Zeros of random polynomials undergoing the heat flow", arXiv:2308.11685, 2023
  • (with Brian Hall, Jonas Jalowy, Zakhar Kabluchko) "The heat flow, GAF, and SL(2;R)", arXiv: 2304.06665, 2023
  • (with Brian C. Hall) "The Brown measure of the sum of a self-adjoint element and an imaginary multiple of a semicircular element", Letters in mathematical physics, 2022
  • "The Brown measure of the sum of a self-adjoint element and an elliptic element", Electronic journal of probability, 27, 1-32, 2022
  • "The Brown measure of unbounded variables with free semicircular imaginary part", Journal of operator theory, 2022
  • (with Hari Bercovici, Jiun-Chau Wang, and Ping Zhong) "Superconvergence in free probability limit theorems for arbitrary triangular arrays", Proceedings of the American mathematical society, 150 (12), 5253-5265, 2022
  • (with Serban Belinschi, Hari Bercovici) "On the convergence of Denjoy-Wolff point.", arXiv:2203.16728, 2022
  • (with Serban Belinschi and Hari Bercovici) "Regularity for free multiplicative convolution on the unit circle", Pacific Journal of Mathematics (To appear), 2022
  • (with Ping Zhong) "Deformed single ring theorems", arXiv:2210.11147, 2022
  • (with Brian C. Hall) "The heat flow conjecture for random matrices", arXiv:2202.09660, 2022
  • (with Brian C. Hall) "The Brown measure of a family of free multiplicative Brownian motions", Probability theory and related fields (To appear), 2022
  • (with Ping Zhong) "Brown measures of free circular and multiplicative Brownian motions with self-adjoint and unitary initial conditions", Journal of European mathematical society (JEMS) (To appear), 2022
  • "A local limit theorem and delocalization of eigenvectors for polynomials in two matrices", International mathematics research notices (IMRN), 1734-1769, 2022
  • (with Guillaume Cebron) "Segal-Bargmann transform: the q-deformation", Letters in mathematical physics, 2018
  • "The two-parameter free unitary Segal-Bargmann transform and its Biane-Gross-Malliavin identification", Journal of functional analysis, 271 (12), 3765-3817, 2016
  • (with Renee Bell, Robert S. Strichartz) "Energy measures of harmonic functions on the Sierpinski gasket", Indiana university mathematics journal, 2014