Liang, Fei-tsen
Associate Research Fellow
Research Fields: Partial Differential Equations,
Dr. Liang's major research interests are variational problem, geometric analysis and problems of partial differential equations related to minimal surfaces or surfaces of constant mean curvature.
- Ph.D. in Mathematics Stanford University 1982-1987
- B.S. in Mathematics National Taiwan University 1978-1982
- Associate Research Fellow Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica 1999 - Present
- Assistant Research Fellow Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica 1994 - 1999
- Associate Professor Institute of Applied Mathematics, National Tsing Hua University 1987 - 1993
- "Hypersurfaces of constant curvature in hyperbolic space", Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 13 (3), 2237-2244, 2018-05
- "On hypersurfaces of constant Gauss curvature with prescribed boundary", Theoretical mathematics and applications, 6 (2), 37-49, 2016
- "Delaunay-like surfaces in S^n+1", Studies in Mathematical Sciences, 2 (2), 2011-05
- "Interior gradient estimates for solutions to the mean curvature equation", International Math. Forum, 3 (9), 407-448, 2008
- "Second derivative estimates for solutions to the mean curvature equation", Internatuinal Math. Forum, 3 (29), 1414-1435, 2008
- "Gauss curvature estimates for surfaces whose mean curvature is constant or has special properties", International Math. Forum, 2 (53), 2607-2643, 2007
- "Isoperimetric inequalities, the torsion problem, and the first eigenvalue of Laplacian of multiply-connected, compact surfaces with boundary", International Mathematical Forum, 2 (17), 835-872, 2007
- "Boundary regularity for capillary surfaces", Georgian Math. J, 12, 283-307, 2005
- "Boundary behavior of capillary surfaces possibly with extremal boundary angles", Internal. J. Math. Math. Soc, 2005 (24), 3925-3950, 2005
- "Global boundedness, interior gradient estimates and boundary regularity for the mean curvature equation with boundary conditions ", Interl J. Math. Math. Soc., 18, 913-948, 2004
- "Harnack's inequalities for solutions to the mean curvature equation and to the capillarity problem", Rend.Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova,110, 2003 , 110, 57-96, 2003
- "Interior Holder estimates for nonparametric surfaces of prescribed mean curvature", Proc. Royal Soc. of Edingburgh, 133, 625-638, 2003
- (with Chun-Chung Hsieh and Jenn-fang Hwang) "Phagemen-Lindelof theorem for minimal surfaces in higher dimensions", Pacific J. of Math., 207 (1), 183-198, 2002
- "Absolute gradient bounds for nonparametric hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature", Ann.Univ.Ferrara-Sez. VII-Sc.Mat., 0, 189-217, 2002
- "Level sets of Gauss curvature in surfaces of constant mean curvature", Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova, 104, 1-26, 2000
- "On the minimum number of components divided by level set through a critical point of the subtraction of two solutions of the equation of prescribed mean curvature", Analysis, 19, 117-142, 1999
- "Absolute gradient bounds for nonparametric hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature and the structure of generalized solutions of the constant mean curvature equation", Calc. Var. and P.D.E's, 7, 99-123, 1998
- "Moon hypersurfaces and some related existence results of capillary hypersurfaces without gravity and of rotational symmetry", Pacific J. of Math., 172 (3), 433-460, 1996
- "An absolute gradient bound for nonparametric surfaces of constant mean curvature", Indiana Univ. Math. J., 41 (3), 569-604, 1992